Please help us understand how climate change impacts the world and what you’re doing to adapt to it.
WIPO GREEN is conducting a short online survey to this end which will be used as part of a new WIPO flagship publication on green technology for climate change adaptation. The publication will be launched at the next UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP27) later this year.
We are primarily interested in individual persons’ testimonials.
We would be grateful if you would help us to disseminate the survey to whomever you would think relevant, and of course also take the survey yourself.
The survey is very short and straightforward, with only two core questions.
It is available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Japanese will be available shortly.
The individual language links can also be selected in the survey:
Climate Change Impact Survey (
Enquête sur les incidences du changement climatique (
Encuesta sobre el impacto del cambio climático (
استقصاء أثر تغير المناخ (
气候变化影响调查 (
Опрос о воздействии изменения климата (
We thank you for your kind participation!