ROSPATENT-SIPO Seminar on Patent Information and Innovation Capacity Building Support, Harbin, June 10 and 11, 2014
Science and innovation are at the center of government strategies for economic development and growth in both the Russian Federation and China.
The Seminar hosted by the Chinese State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the Heilongjiang Provincial Government aimed at creating a platform for a strategic collaboration and dialogue on the current and emerging challenges in innovation support, patent information and related services in the countries concerned.
It was believed that this type of bilateral meetings would help to promote a strong and effective partnership between respective national IP offices and further open up business relations between Russia and China - mutually important trading partners.
Russia and China are considered leading players in production and exploitation of IP knowledge and information and therefore important partners of WIPO - regionally and globally - in this area.
Next year’s Seminar will be organized by Rospatent in one of the south-eastern regions or Russia to strengthen bilateral ties and continue discussions on innovation issues of mutual concern. Future activities should also provide more opportunities for businesses from both countries to engage directly with government, create relations and improve knowledge of the Russian and Chinese intellectual property systems.
The press release and more information in Russian available at